How to Deal With Complaints on Social Media
Shaya Shree Pabari
January 31, 2022

We spend a considerable amount of time centred around Digital Community Management so we have had to deal with a fair share of negative comments and complaints on social media. Smaller businesses aren’t immune - it’s very likely you will get a negative comment or complaint on your social media at some point.

We have complied this blog post based on personal experience and what we find works best!

Negative comments on social media - we’ve all seen them!

If you’re a small business, a critical product or service review can be really stressful to deal with as comments are so public. Lucky for you we are going to teach you how to deal with them!

First, let’s start with what not to do:
Hint: don’t say something offensive back
Hint: don’t block them
Hint: don’t delete and ignore it
Hint: don’t get your friend to comment and start an argument with them

Quick List:

  • If you’re in the wrong, apologise
  • Be genuine
  • Address them by their name
  • Take time and consider your reply
  • Use their words
  • Don’t over-promise
  • Tell them what you plan to do to fix it

Apologise & Be Genuine
If you’ve done something wrong, for example, the product you sold was faulty - apologise. Try not to take it personally and be genuine in your explanation.

Address Them Properly
Say their name when you speak to them, for example, start your reply with “Hello Karen”

Take Your Time to Write Your Response
If you’ve gotten a negative comment, it’s completely normal to feel a bit irritated or frustrated. However, that doesn’t help you respond constructively. Wait until you’ve cooled down to reply.

Use Their Words
Show you’re listening and taking in what they say by using their words. If they say you gave me a faulty TV - say you’re genuinely sorry for selling them a faulty TV.
The last bit of your reply should say what you’re doing to fix the issue.

Hello (Name),
We’re really sorry that (issue they’ve described using their words) - this isn’t up to our usual high standard and (statement taking responsibility).
We would like to (do this to fix the problem - describe the steps you are taking). Thank you.